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Fund for Teachers--Professional Development Grant Program
Fund for Teachers Grant Program
Fund for Teachers
2012 Fund for Teachers Fellows
2012 Fellow Profiles
2012 Fellow Profiles
Completion requirements
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◄ Technology and Business--High School--Tiffany Stonecipher and Amy Willingham--(Team-- Business Matters)
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Fund for Teachers website
ELL, ESL, EDL--Elementary--Lauren Hillis and Beth Massey--(Team--Never Stop Learning)
Library Media, History/Social Studies, Reading/Writing--Elementary--Whitney Pruitt and Kristi Plemons--(Team--Mining for History)
Foreign Languages--Secondary--Rhea Grate
Science--Secondary--Krista Marcum and Lynn Lowell--(Team-- Growing in the Galapagos)
Visual Arts--Secondary--Elyse Jordan
Library Media/Language Arts --Elementary--Holly Whitt and Lori Alexander (Team-- Storytelling to Build Writers)
History--Secondary--Bobby Dolan III and Jonathon Vinson--(Team--History Team)
Science--Secondary--Megan McCall
History/Social Studies--Secondary-- Dr. Blake Busbin
Library Media/Language Arts/Literature--Elementary--Bonnie Howard
English Language Arts/Literature--Secondary--Whitney Taylor and Elizabeth Hillard
Visual /Performing Arts--Elementary and Secondary--Amber Moore and Ashleigh Salvo
English Language Arts/Cultural Immersion--Elementary--LeAnn Cox
Career Technology/Health Science--Secondary--Greer Eleazer and Erica Hand
Science/Place Based Learning--Elementary and Secondary--Virginia Allen, Jessica Johnson, Bethany Fletcher, and Rochelle Tolliver
Classroom Management/Conscious Discipline--Elementary--Susan Loper and Leigh McGhee--(Team-Panther PAWS)
Conservation/Environment/Science-Elementary-Lisa Carden,Kelly Stanton and Michelle Griswold--(Team-Tortoise Trio)
Conservation/Environment/Agriculture-Secondary-Elizabeth Anderton
Family and Consumer Science/Culinary and Fashion--Secondary--April Coffey
History/Social Studies-Secondary-LaVerne McDonald
History/Social Studies-Secondary-Stephanie McCrary
Art/Science--High School--Starr Weems
Art--Elementary--Breanna Johnston
History/Social Studies--High School--Jeremy Brown
Math/Science--Elementary--Ginny Bellomy-Ezell and Beth Jordan--(Team-Outdoor Engagers)
History/Social Studies-Elementary-Emily Ellison and Karen Morrison (Team-Comparing Castles)
Visual/Performing Arts-High School-Amy Patel
Visual/Performing Arts-High School- Eric Reid-St. John
Language/Cultural Immersion-High School-Raymond Congo
Science-Elementary-Gina Anderson
Science-Middle School-Shannon McClain
Science-Elementary-Julie McGown
2016 Fund for Teacher Fellows
Gifted Education/Science--Elementary-Teresa Zimmer
Science/Social Studies/ELA--High School--Tania Williams, Michael Williams, Lanetta Koonce (Team--The Death Panel)
Holocaust Education/Social Studies--High School--Amy McDonald
Foreign Language/French--High School--Katherine (Kate) Wilson
Career Technology/Woodworking--High School--Scott Larson-
Library Media/Language Arts/ELL--Elementary/Middle School--Rosemary Adams and Donna Hendrix (Team--Library Leaders)
2015 Fund for Teacher Fellows
Special Education--Elementary--Christine Sexton, Abigail Brock, LeAnn Cox, Ginny Derzis Carroll, and Mary Ramsey (Team--Team Jackson)
Art and STEM--Elementary--Vinchenza Sweet
Career Technology and STEM--Middle School--Briana Morton and Molly Kundsen (Team--Growing Learners)
STEAM--Elementary--Amber Moore and Courtney Harper (Team--Teach Me Bridges)
Technology--Elementary--Pamella Berry and Leslie Lawhorn (Team--Techie Tigers)
2014 Fellow Profiles
Art--Elementary--BeeLee Tullos
Art--Elementary and Middle School--Lauren Fowler and Gaile Randall (Team--Inner Voices)
Art --Middle School-- Casey Williamson
Foreign Language and History--Middle School--Sondra Maniatis
Foreign Language--High School--Rebecca Blumenfeld
ELA and History--Elementary --Lauren Burney
Math and ELA--Elementary--Amy Hoggle and Jill Watson (Team--Team1st)
Math and Science--High School--Rebecca Becnel
Engineering and Science--Middle School--Ashley Daigle and Nicole MacDougall (Team--Eagle Tech)
Science--Middle School--Karon Decker and Connie Hambey (Team--Science of Change)
Science--High School and Special Education--Amanda Keesee and Megan O'Neill (Team--Oahu)
Technology and Library Media--High School--Amanda Umphrey
Technology and Library Media--Elementary--Holly Whitt
2013 Fellow Profiles
Theatre--High School--Clint Merritt
Art--Elementary--Lindsay Mouyal
Art and Foregin Language--High School--Starr Weems
Foreign Language--High School--Steven Frost
Foreign Language--High School--Peggy Boynton
ELA and Social Studies--Elementary--Kathy Perkins
ELA--Middle School--Pamela Broome, Stacy Harmening, Derrick Hester, Kim Patterson, Terri Stevison, and Michele Tangle--(Team-- Spartan To Improve)
ELA--Middle School--Angela Crawford
ELA--Middle School--Jennifer Robinson
ELA and Social Studies--Middle School--Tracie Boland and Tammy Guthery--(Team-- Exploring Hawaii)
ESL--Elementary, Middle, and High School--Mona Pop
Social Studies, Math, Special Education--Middle School--Contanika Johnson, Donna Jones, Veronica Simmons, and Nefertari Yancie--(Team-- Building Bridge)
Social Studies, Music, Theatre--High School--Rachel Povlacs and Tyson Reed--(Team-- Tenacious Travelers)
Science --Middle School--Dana Langford and Susan Ogle-- (Team-- Lava Ladies)
Technology--High School--Lynne Burgess
Technology and Library Media--Elementary-High School--Rachel Brockman, April Chamberlain, Jamie Peerson, Donna Speegle, and Chrisiti Williamson--(Team-- From Shh to Showtime)
Technology and Business--High School--Tiffany Stonecipher and Amy Willingham--(Team-- Business Matters)
Foreign Language--High School--Sonia Young
ELA--Middle School--Stephen Howard, LaVerne McDonald, and Phylecia Ragland--(Team-- Teachers Seeking Vampire)
ELA and History--Middle School--Karen and Richard Scott--(Team-- Holocaust)
Math--High School--Caacie Dixon, Nancy Rogers, and Deborah Thompson--(Team-- Math Vision)
Science--High School--Lisa Clark
Technology and Social Studies--High School--J. Mark Coleman
Career Technology--High School--Kimberly Tidwell and Renee Wallace--(Team-- Beauty Travelers)
Foreign Language--High School--Sonia Young ►