K-12 APT teacher certification badgeWhile working through this APT Teacher Certification Course, you will learn more about APT for Education and PBS LearningMedia resources.  By the end of the course, you will be able to share these resources and use them in your classroom.

Click on the course title to self-enroll and begin the course.  When enrolling, make sure to use an email address where we can contact you.  This is a self-paced course. 

You will receive 6 hours of professional development hours at completion of the course. 

If you have questions, email Tracey Carter tcarter@aptv.org  

APT Teacher Ambassador badge

After completing the APT Certified Educator program, you can begin the Teacher Ambassador program. You will request to be enrolled into this course. 

In this program, you will demonstrate how you integrate the use of PBS LearningMedia into your classroom, your community and your professional learning network.  

You will receive 5 hours of professional development for each section that you complete. It is possible to earn 15 hours total of professional development. To become an APT Teacher Ambassador, you must complete all three sections.